Grades 3 – 6
The Animal Kingdom offers many challenges to survival. Explore adaptations and predator/prey interactions and meet one of our animal survivors.
Students gain an understanding that animals evolve physical and behavioral adaptations over generations that increase their chances of survival.
CT Grades 3 – 5 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Mathematics provides useful tools for the description, analysis and presentation of scientific data and ideas.
3.2 Organisms can survive and reproduce only in environments that meet their basic needs.
B 3 Describe how different plants and animals are adapted to obtain air, water, food and protection in land habitats.
B 4 Describe how different plants and animals are adapted to obtain air, water, food and protection in water habitats.
4.2 All organisms depend on the living and non-living features of the environment for survival.
B 11 Describe how natural phenomena and some human activities may cause changes to habitats and their inhabitants.
5.2 Perceiving and responding to information about the environment is critical to the survival of organisms.
B 21 Describe the structure and function of the human senses and the signals they perceive.
6.2 An ecosystem is composed of all the populations that are lining in a certain space and the physical factors with which they interact.
C 5 Explain how populations are affected by predator-prey relationships.