Classroom Program
Grades 1 – 6
Decode fingerprints, examine soil and analyze ink composition. It’s up to you to solve the crime.
After an introduction to the basic concepts of forensic science, students examine different pieces of evidence and attempt to solve a crime.
CT Grades 3 – 5 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Mathematics provides useful tools for the description, analysis and presentation of scientific data and ideas.
1.4 The properties of materials and organisms can be described more accurately through the use of standard measuring units.
A 17 Estimate, measure and compare the sizes and weights of different objects and organisms using standard and nonstandard measuring tools.
2.3 Earth materials have varied physical properties which make them useful in different ways.
A 21 Sort different soils by properties, such as particle size, color and composition.
3.1 Materials have properties that can be identified and described through the use of simple tests.
B 1 Sort and classify materials based on properties such as dissolving in water, sinking and floating, conducting heat, and attracting to magnets.
5.4 Humans have the capacity to build and use tools to advance the quality of their lives.
B 25 Describe the uses of different instruments, such as eyeglasses, magnifiers, periscopes and telescopes, to enhance our vision.
CT Grades 6 – 8 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of questioning, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings and ideas for critical review by colleagues and other scientists.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
Scientific literacy also includes the ability to search for and assess the relevance and credibility of scientific information found in various print and electronic media.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Scientific numeracy includes the ability to use mathematical operations and procedures to calculate, analyze and present scientific data and ideas.
6.1 Materials can be classified as pure substances or mixtures, depending on their chemical and physical properties.
C 3 Explain how mixtures can be separated by using the properties of the substances from which they are made, such as particle size, density, solubility and boiling point.