70 Gracey Road
Canton, CT 06019
The Nature Center will sponsor the 20th annual Farmington Valley Butterfly Count on Saturday, July 20th (raindate Sunday, July 21st). Our Count is part of an annual survey sponsored by the North American Butterfly Association. Anyone wishing to participate may join us in the Nature Center parking lot at 7:30 am.
Participants should be prepared to travel throughout the Farmington Valley to census butterflies and may stay for just a few hours or for the entire day. Participants should be in good physical condition as walking through the fields under a potentially hot summer sun is required.
In conjunction with the Count, a 90-minute educational program & walk will be held on the grounds of the Nature Center and adjacent Werner’s Woods from 1:30-3:00 pm. Cost for the program & walk: $4.00 members, $6.00 nonmembers.
Call the Center for additional information.