Teenage Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers, both boys and girls, are needed during our Overnight season from November – June. Various assignments include: leading groups through the Museum’s exhibits, staffing the admissions desk, assisting with workshops and serving snacks and breakfast.
Who is eligible to be a volunteer?
Any boy or girl who is 13 – 17 years old is eligible to volunteer. When you are 13, you can volunteer for the evening. When you are 14, you are eligible to stay overnight until 9:00 am the next morning.
We look for youth who are friendly, outgoing, interested in science and enjoy working with children. If you stay overnight, we guarantee a credit of 8 hours of service. If you stay for the evening, you will receive 4 hours of service. Most of our scout volunteers come back year after year because they enjoy the time and have met new friends.
What do I have to do?
Request an application packet from the Volunteer Coordinator at 860.231.2830 ext. 38. Once a completed application is received and reviewed, we will contact you to schedule an interview. We know school can keep you busy, so we can schedule an interview time that’s good for you.