Grades 4 – 8
CT Grades PreK – 5 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Mathematics provides useful tools for the description, analysis and presentation of scientific data and ideas.
5.1 Sound and light are forms of energy.
B 18 Describe how sound is transmitted, reflected and/or absorbed by different materials.
CT Grades 6 – 8 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of questioning, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings and ideas for critical review by colleagues and other scientists.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
Scientific literacy also includes the ability to search for and assess the relevance and credibility of scientific information found in various print and electronic media.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Scientific numeracy includes the ability to use mathematical operations and procedures to calculate, analyze and present scientific data and ideas.
6.3a Local and regional weather are affected by the amount of solar energy the area receives and proximity to a large body of water.
C 7 Describe the effect of heating on the movement of molecules in solids, liquids and gases.
C8 Explain how local weather conditions are related to the temperature, pressure and water content of the atmosphere and the proximity to a large body of water.
8.3 The solar system is composed of planets and other objects that orbit the sun.
C 29 Explain how the relative motion and relative position of the sun, Earth and moon affect the seasons, phases of the moon and eclipses.