Science Showcase
Grades K – 8
Students who enter the Wizard’s Lab will explore stations on the wonders of physical science. Experiment subjects include magnets, electricity, solar power, lasers, polarized light, optical illusions, math puzzles and motion.
CT Grades PreK – 5 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Mathematics provides useful tools for the description, analysis and presentation of scientific data and ideas.
K.1 Objects have properties that can be observed and used to describe similarities and differences.
A 2 Sort objects made of materials such as wood, paper and metal into groups based on properties such as flexibility, attraction to magnets, and whether they float or sink in water.
A 3 Count objects in a group and use mathematical terms to describe quantitative relationships such as: same as, more than, less than, equal, etc.
1.1 The sun appears to move across the sky in the same way every day, but its path changes gradually over the seasons.
A 10 Describe how the motion of objects can be changed by pushing and pulling.
3.1 Materials have properties that can be identified and described through the use of simple tests.
B 1 Sort and classify materials based on properties such as dissolving in water, sinking and floating, conducting heat, and attracting to magnets.
4.1 The position and motion of objects can be changed by pushing or pulling.
B 8 Describe the effects of the strengths of pushes and pulls on the motion of objects.
4.4 Electrical and magnetic energy can be transferred and transformed.
B 14 Describe how batteries and wires can transfer energy to light a light bulb.
B 15 Explain how simple electrical circuits can be used to determine which materials conduct electricity.
B 16 Describe the properties of magnets and how they can be used to identify and separate mixtures of solid materials.
5.1 Sound and light are forms of energy.
B 19 Describe how light is absorbed and/or reflected by different surfaces.
5.2 Perceiving and responding to information about the environment is critical to the survival of organisms.
B 20 Describe how light absorption and reflection allow one to see the shapes and colors of objects.
CT Grades 6 – 8 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena.
Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of questioning, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings and ideas for critical review by colleagues and other scientists.
SCIENTIFIC LITERACY: Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening, presenting, interpreting, reading and writing about science.
Scientific literacy also includes the ability to search for and assess the relevance and credibility of scientific information found in various print and electronic media.
SCIENTIFIC NUMERACY: Scientific numeracy includes the ability to use mathematical operations and procedures to calculate, analyze and present scientific data and ideas.
8.1 An object’s inertia causes it to continue moving the way it is moving unless it is acted upon by a force to change its motion.
C 24 Describe the forces acting on an object moving in a circular path.