Join us for a safe, fun, and interactive experience to remember!*
Safe and positive environment *
Vacation Science Camp is FOR CHILDREN ages 6-12.
Quick Links
Weekly Themes
Requirements & Required Forms
Quick Link to all the Required Forms
2021 Protocols and Procedures
FAQ (Updated 9/1/21)
Keep your children entertained and educated, even when they are on vacation from school! The Children’s Museum has fun and learning planned for several vacation days this school year. Each camp day has a theme and is packed with scientific investigation, experiments, crafts, and educational games all in the safe and educational environment of our museum.
(please call 860.726.4008 to register after 12 PM)
Single Day Camp:
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday, January 17: Rainforest Escape–
Take a break from winter’s cold and escape to the tropical rainforest for the day. Campers will be transported to this biodiverse biome as they uncover the unique adaptations of organisms living there.
Required Forms:
- Children entering grades 1 – 6 in the Fall (must be at least 6 years old)
- Completed and signed 2021 COVID Waiver
- Completed health form including immunization record, signed by a physician
- Completed parent and authorized prescriber permission form for any child requiring medications or inhalers, including Epi-Pen, needed during program hours.
- Completed pre-filled medication information form.
- Signed Behavior Contract.
- *Signed Photo Release. This is optional, if you do not want your child’s photo used on Marketing or Promotional materials do not sign the photo release.
2021 Protocols and Procedures:
COVID-19 Related Measures
In light of COVID-19, The Children’s Museum is taking enhanced health and safety precautions as set forth by the State of Connecticut and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”). We are using our best efforts to act responsibly and reasonably to do what is within our power to prevent the spread of disease.
What should your child bring with them in their backpack?
- Plenty of water in a bottle/ thermos that students can open and close without adult assistance, labeled with their name. Water fountains will be closed down and not accessible by campers. Packing enough water for the day is very important.
- Hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol with the student’s name easily featured on the bottle.
- Nut-free snack and lunch that students can open and eat without adult assistance.
- Food should be packed in a non-insulated bag such as a paper bag, plastic bag, or reusable grocery bag.
- Bandana or mask in a baggie or container labeled with the child’s name. The child needs to be able to put the face-covering on and off by themselves
- Close-toed shoes
- If your child requires medication send in a labeled, clear baggie with your child’s name on it, and please make sure the necessary paperwork is accompanying the medication.
Here are a few changes to the program:
Drop-off and Pick-up:
Drop-off and pick-up are going to all be done outdoors. Upon entering the parking lot please get into ONE line of cars. There will be a designated pickup and drop-off location for your child(ren). Once your child(ren) are dropped off or picked up you can carefully exit the line and parking lot. If you can, please stay in the car and have your child enter and exit from the PASSENGER SIDE ONLY!
Drop-off and Pick up will take place in the back parking lot by the Kingwood Oxford field.
Drop off: Arrive between 8:45 and 9:00
Pick up: Arrive between 3:30 and 4:00
Daily Health Screening:
We will perform a contact-less temperature and visual health screening on all children upon arrival to ensure the health and safety of all involved. Anyone showing a fever of 100 degrees or higher, or those with any respiratory distress or coughing, will not be able to attend. If a child becomes ill during the program, a parent will be called for immediate pick-up.
Illness or Exposure to Illness:
Parents must keep children home if they are sick, or if the children have been exposed to others who are sick. Please contact us immediately if your child has any symptoms of COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19. If a child has had COVID-19 or has been exposed to COVID-19, the child should not return to the program until after they have satisfied the applicable isolation or quarantine guidelines issued by the CDC.
General Health and Safety Measures:
Students are required to wear a mask while in shared public areas of the property (i.e. bathrooms, exhibits, hallways). We will be implementing regular and frequent hand-washing for all and will be observing social distancing to the extent possible. We have developed a schedule and protocol for intensified cleaning and disinfection per CDC guidelines.
Protocols, Procedures, and Policy Agreement:
Policies and procedures that have been provided here may change at any time. By proceeding with registration you agree to abide by all safety requirements at the date and time of camp (as they could change between now and then) that may include those mandated by state requirement and those the museum implements internally, and may or may not be limited to mandatory mask and social distancing as well as required travel restrictions in place at the time the child will be attending camp. Vacation Science Camp is nonrefundable.
- Call our Registration Department at (860) 726-4008.
- Sign up ONLINE HERE.
- Print out the Vacation Science Camp Flyer. Send the completed form to The Children’s Museum by mail:
The Children’s Museum
Attn: Registration
950 Trout Brook Drive
West Hartford, CT 06119
We accept MasterCard, Visa, checks, or cash. Please make checks payable to “The Children’s Museum”. Please note: Your child is not registered for the program unless full payment has been received.
Be sure to check out our frequently asked questions section below before you come to Vacation Science.
Volunteers Wanted
For more information about volunteering at Vacation Science Camp, click here.
Vacation Science FAQs
Is The Children’s Museum a licensed camp? Our Vacation Science Camp is licensed by the State of Connecticut as a Youth Day Camp.
Who comprises the staff? All instructors are staff Educators from The Children’s Museum. Camp counselors are either local high school or college students. All of our camp staff have previous experience either working with children or at our museum and have proper First Aid training.
How are children grouped? Groups are limited to 14 children. To limit possible exposure we will be grouping siblings in the same group this year.
Can children be grouped with friends? Parents must request that their child be grouped with a friend at the time of registration. If registering by mail, please indicate this on the registration form. Activities and groups are carefully planned therefore it is not possible to switch groups the day of the program. We will do everything to honor your request.
Who can attend the program? Vacation Science Camp is for children entering grades 1 – 6 in the fall.
Is there a nurse on duty? As a licensed day camp, we are not required to have a nurse on duty. A staff member, who has completed the First Aid and CPR courses required by the state, serves as our on-site Health Director. Our Camp Health Directors are also trained in Basic Medication Administration, including Epi-Pens.
Can a child on medication attend the program? A child on medication may attend our camp. Our Camp Health Directors are trained in Basic Medication Administration, including Epi-Pens. Parents/guardians requesting medication administration for their child while at camp must provide appropriate written authorization(s). This includes an authorization for all topical, oral, and inhalant medication applications. An Authorized Prescriber is required to complete and sign a portion of the Medication Authorization Form for all medications other than a non-prescription topical. This form must be submitted to us one week prior to attending camp. All medication must be in the original container with the Pharmacy name and Prescription Number easily identifiable. The medication should be appropriately labeled and have a current date. A Pre-filled Medication Information Form must be on file before the beginning of camp. Please email us at or phone: 860.231.2830 x 440 for details.
What is the time for the programs? Vacation Science Camp has a full day session from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
When can we arrive at the museum? Check-in begins at 8:45 a.m. Drop-off will take place in the back parking lot by the Kingwood Oxford field. Upon entering the parking lot please get into ONE line of cars. There will be a designated drop-off location for your child(ren). Once your child(ren) are dropped-off you can carefully exit the line and parking lot. If you can, please stay in the car and have your child exit from the PASSENGER SIDE ONLY! Arrive between 8:45 and 9:00
When is pick-up time for children? Parents should make arrangements to pick up the children promptly no later than 4:00 p.m. Arrive between 3:30 and 4:00. Pick-up will take place in the same location drop-off took place in the morning. Please do not leave your vehicle when you arrive. A camp educator will be outside to coordinate pick-up. It is important that campers are picked up on time as the Museum’s normal closing time is 4:00 p.m.
What is the cancellation/refund policy? Program fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please call the Children’s Museum if your child will be absent from camp.
What if my child is sick? Parents must keep children home if they are sick, or if the children have been exposed to others who are sick. Please contact us immediately if your child has any symptoms of COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19. If a child has had COVID-19 or has been exposed to COVID-19, the child should not return to the program until after they have satisfied the applicable isolation or quarantine guidelines issued by the CDC.
Will confirmation letters be sent after registering? After you make an online purchase you will receive an email confirmation for your purchase. If your child requires medication you will receive a follow-up call and/or email from our Registrar to confirm the necessary documentation. Assume your child is registered unless you are contacted. Feel free to call at any time to verify your child’s registration. 860.726.4008
What should each child bring?
- Bandana or mask that is in a baggie or container labeled with the child’s name. Your child needs to be able to put the face-covering on and off by themselves
- Hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol with your student’s name easily featured on the bottle
- Plenty of water in a bottle/ thermos that students can open and close without adult assistance. Labeled with their name. Per required opening guidelines by the State, water fountains will be closed down and not accessible by campers. Packing enough water for the day is very important.
- Simple snack and bagged lunch, (No peanut products please). Food and drink will be refrigerated. The Department of Public Health now requires that all lunches be stored in a paper bag. Please do not send food in a thermal lunch box or container as those containers, when refrigerated, prohibit the food from reaching the required temperature deemed safe by the Department of Public Health. Please make sure that your child nut-free snack and lunch is one that one can
- open and eat without adult assistance.
- Dress for possible outdoor activities.
- Close-toed shoes
- If your child requires medication send in a labeled, clear baggie with your child’s name on it, and please make sure the necessary paperwork is accompanying the medication.
Come back soon for April Vacation Science Camp Information and Dates! |